Glass Blast Media

Mainly used in bead form for general cleaning and peening of metallic components.

For prices or to order supplies - or if you have not found the blast media you need in the information above - please call our Customer Services team on 01756 799911, Freephone (UK only) 0800 328 5999, or email For next day delivery please order before 3.00 pm for 1-9 bags, or before 10.00 am for larger quantities.

Health and Safety

All Guyson blast media is non toxic and contains no free silica (with the exception of Turbonox). Specific COSHH health and safety data sheets are available for all products and MSDS datasheets can be downloaded below.

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    Guyson Honite is a premium quality soda-lime glass bead manufactured specifically for impact blast finishing applications.

    It is a chemically inert, iron-free product, available in a range of bead sizes and can be used for a wide variety of cleaning, finishing and peening operations.

    Available to Rolls Royce CSS8 and AMS2431/6D quality standard.


    Cleaning, Peening, Sheen Surface Finishing, General cleaning of tarnished components, Inert cleaning of sensitive surfaces e.g. auto parts, moulds and dies, removing heat scale and discolouration, creating a none reflective finish, cosmetic blending and covering surface defects etc.

    Download MSDS PDF here

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    Guyson Glass Grit is a premium quality soda-lime glass grit manufactured specifically for impact blast finishing applications.

    It is a chemically inert, iron-free product, chemically identical to Honite glass bead but being ground glass, it has an angular appearance.

    Glass grit has a mildly abrasive action but there is a more rapid breakdown than there is with alumina


    For general blast finish / cleaning applications where an alumina type abrasive may be too aggressive.

    Download MSDS PDF here