Test And Evaluation

Free Component Test And Evaluation Service
Guyson offers a free, no-obligation test and evaluation service to all our prospective customers
Comprehensive testing of actual customer products is the only true way to establish the correct blasting, washing and precision cleaning parameters and thus equipment that Guyson would recommend to its customers.
Prospective users of either Guyson manual or automated systems are encouraged to submit sample components for free feasibility testing in the company’s 'Component Finishing Centre' at Skipton, England.

Component Finishing Centre - Robotic Blasting
Guyson has installed advanced robotic blasting capabilities into the 'Component Finishing Centre' to assist its customers with their process evaluation and precision blast simulation. With this fully integrated working robotic cell incorporated into the 'Component Finishing Centre', Guyson is able to further demonstrate how the adoption of these sophisticated new precision robotic blasting techniques can deliver investment cost savings over traditional multiple blast gun systems, which are often much larger and more complicated to validate and continuously maintain.
Fully automated robotic precision blast systems are proven to deliver real daily running cost savings in both compressed air consumption and media usage.
Far fewer blast guns are required than in the traditional blanket coverage approach with multiple guns. Additional regular cost savings from robotic blasting include greatly reduced blast media costs through less media breakdown and lower wastage. Furthermore, a smaller and cheaper dust collector can be specified, with reduced waste requiring disposal. Introduction of this type of precise robot blasting can also eliminate operator Health & Safety risks relating to both RSI and vibration white finger problems.

‘Precision Cleaning Facilities’ (PCF)
Guyson International, whose brands include the widely known ‘Kerry’ branded ranges of ultrasonic precision cleaning equipment, has invested for the future and built a ‘Precision Cleaning Facility’ into its demonstration and showroom area at its Skipton manufacturing site.
In response to a strong industry demand the precision cleaning facility allows customer component trials, demonstrations and precision cleaning development work to be undertaken in a controlled environment - an increasingly requested process requirement from high end medical implant, aerospace and electronic PCB manufacturers who are working hard, with Guyson’s assistance, to achieve validation for their cleanliness processes.
The facility encompasses a representative variety of Guyson’s ultrasonic precision cleaning equipment, including Microclean multi-stage aqueous and Microsolve Mono and Co-Solvent machines. The latter is fitted with an ‘Autotrans’ automated work transporter which reduces the problem of solvent ‘drag-out’, the unintentional loss of cleaning solution when components are transferred through the cleaning process, and also allows production throughput to be maximised while ensuring consistent cleaning quality from batch to batch. Cleanliness testing is also provided for with rigorous analytical equipment.
Richard Standing, Guyson’s Business Development Manager, stated “We have invested in this facility to demonstrate to clients the many advantages of using Guyson’s precision cleaning equipment. Offering a similar, high quality, clean working environment to our customers’ is the only way forward. This latest customer facility, coupled with Guyson’s free component trials service enables our clients to visit and prove that their intended process cleanliness requirements can be met and so remove any concerns before they invest in new capital equipment.”