Code of Conduct and
Corporate Social Responsibility Policy

Guyson International Limited is a privately owned family run business established in 1938. Our Code of Conduct sets minimum standards of ethical behaviour, performance and adherence to company policies, our Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) policy covers all aspects of our social, economic and environmental commitments.

All employees are expected to comply with the standards set out in our Code of Conduct and CSR policy which are communicated to the entire workforce. These are updated as appropriate and freely available on the website and intranet.


Guyson strives to deliver world class innovative products & services through continuous improvement, reinvestment, professionalism and the dedication of its employees

Core Values:

  • Our sustainable growth plan is designed to create longevity and stability for our stakeholders and a profitable association with our customers and suppliers
  • We are a customer focussed, responsible business that meets the highest standards of ethical and professional behaviour.
  • We are committed to minimising the environmental impact of our day-to-day operations and continually improve our energy efficiencies and waste management.
  • We are a positive contributor in our community, regarded as a great place to work where the safety and welfare of our people is paramount.

Our policies are underpinned by the following international standards:

Governance & QMS: ISO 9001:2015 (*B&W, **H&C)

Health & Safety: ISO 45001:2018 (B&W, H&C pending accreditation)

Environmental: ISO 14001:2015 (B&W & H&C pending accreditation)

*B&W; Blast & Wash Division: **H&C; Hose & Couplings Division

Sustainable Growth Plan:

Each year we produce a detailed plan for the coming year which sets budgets across all revenue streams targeting areas of opportunity or managing perceived risk where appropriate. The plan considers all aspects of the business and identifies the resources required to maintain current levels and/or support growth.

We consider our people to be our most valuable resource and our plan helps us to identify required staffing levels, highlight any skills shortages and target ongoing training and personal development. The plan allows us to manage short, medium and long term initiatives in terms of HR, product development, market trends, inward investment, legislation, accreditation and sustainability.

Business Ethics & Compliance

Guyson International will always conduct business with integrity and respect to human rights in line with appropriate law, legislation and our own internal policies. We will promote:

  • Anti-Bribery & Corruption awareness and practices

Ref: UK Bribery Act:

  • Ethical procurement activities mindful of supply chain considerations

Ref: Counterfeit Goods:

Ref: Conflict Minerals: Guysons Conflict Minerals Policy Statement

  • An ethical tax policy facilitated by open and transparent customer and supply chain partnerships and collaboration

Ref: Criminal Finances Act:

  • Fair statements of employment, supported by our employee handbook providing clear guidance regarding benefits, procedures and information in all aspects of engagement, updated from time to time in line with prevailing employment law and legislation

Ref: Modern Slavery:

Ref: Child Labour:

  • A Safe working environment for all employees (Including; permanent, temporary and contractors/subcontractors)

Ref: ISO Standards: ISO 45001:2018

In addition, every Guyson employee has access at all times to our Company Handbook and new starters are asked to familiarise themselves with the contents. This Handbook has been prepared to acquaint employees with the policies, rules and general conditions of Guyson International Limited and whilst it is meant to be for guidance only and is not meant to form a Working Agreement, all Company policies contained herein are within legal requirements and broadly refer to UK employment law and legislation as identified below:

Employment Contracts:

Employment Act 2002:


Guyson recognises the need to protect the natural environment and believes that keeping our environment clean and unpolluted is a benefit to all. We’ll always follow best practices when disposing of waste and apart from our legal obligations, Guyson will proactively protect the environment. We encourage all our employees to consider our environment at all times, we actively promote recycling in all communal areas and communicate our environmental and waste activities on our notice boards.

To support our environmental commitments and efforts we are currently working towards ISO 14001:2015 for our Blast & Wash division and using this standard as a benchmark for best practice throughout Guyson.

Social Responsibility

Each year Guyson nominates a charity to be the focus for our fundraising efforts and donations. We hold a number of charity events and activities and encourage all our people to participate in local fundraising events which are connected with the nominated charity.

In addition to this, we maintain a modest budget which we use to sponsor local sporting clubs and community events.